Privacy Policy

Registry and general data: SPAK GROUP S.L. is a company with C.I.F. No. B-93700011. Our contact details are the following: C / Marques de Larios nº7 1ª Planta, 29015 Málaga; Telephone: 952061638; Email:

Relevant information: Access to or use of the Website attributes to the person the condition of user and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The user must carefully read this Notice on each of the occasions in which he intends to use the Website, in case it has suffered any modification.

SpairakGroup adopts reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses or any other harmful computer program. However, it corresponds to the user, in any case, the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of the aforementioned viruses or harmful computer programs. SpairakGroup is not responsible for any type of damage in this regard that may occur to users’ computer equipment.

Website Contents: The contents that SPAK GROUP S.L. made available to the user on the Website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute, in any way, the provision of a service. SPAK GROUP S.L. advises the user to make decisions based on the information collected in the contents without obtaining adequate and personalized professional advice, leaving its use under the sole responsibility of the user.
SPAK GROUP S.L. It will not be in any way responsible for errors or omissions that may exist in the information provided, nor for the application or specific use that could be made of it, reserving the right to modify any content on the web at any time and without prior notice. .
Linked Sites on the Website: The user who clicks on any of the links that may appear on the Website will access other Internet pages and portals, regarding which SPAK GROUP S.L. It is not responsible in any case, neither for the veracity and accuracy of the contents of the Linked Sites, nor for any other damage that may arise from the use of them.

Intellectual property of the contents of the website
The texts and graphic elements (design, logos, source code and other analogues) that make up the website and disseminated through it, as well as their presentation and assembly, are the exclusive property of SPAK GROUP S.L.
Clients may carry out the reproduction of the contents of the WEBSITE for the sole purpose of storing them, making backup copies or putting them on paper for private use.